La passerella che ho progettato sarà realizzata in legno d’acero, con parapetti in vetro. La forma che prederà sarà quella di un cuore, proprio per alludere al tema dell’amore, e sarà sostenta da due grandi mani in marmo bianco, ispirate quelle realizzate a Venezia da Lorenzo Quinn e al Cauvang ( Golden Bridge ) sulle colline di Bana in Vietnam. Anche la piattaforma è realizzata in legno d’acero, a pianta circolare, sostenuto sulla superficie dell’acqua da dei galleggianti ancorati al fondo in modo che non possa muoversi con la corrente dell’acqua. Il gazebo, a pianta ottagonale, sarà in legno d’acero con parapetti in legno e all’interno prevede due panchine semicircolari. La struttura si ispira ai modelli orientali come quelli della Cina. La fontana, che sostituirà l’insenatura del naviglio, avrà una grandezza di 7mx8m, la sua pavimentazione sarà inclinata del 2% verso il centro dove ci sarà una sorta di cratere circolare in modo che l’acqua vi confluisca.
I have planned a long heart shaped pathway to refer to the theme of love. The pathway bridges the canal over. It is made of maple wood and glass parapets. Two enormous marble white hands support the bridges over the canal as those made by Lorenzo Quinn in Venice and those oh the Golden Bridge on the Bana hills in Vietnam.
A circular shaped floating platform, made of maple wood, is placed at the centre of the heart and floating buoys tether it. In the canal on the right bank side, there is an octagonal gazebo, inspired by oriental culture with two curved benches inside.
Furthermore, a 7 x 8 m. fountain will be placed on the dock on the right bank side.
The fountain has been designed with a central basin surrounded by slightly sloping sides with water flowing from the sides to the central basin.
A circular shaped floating platform, made of maple wood, is placed at the centre of the heart and floating buoys tether it. In the canal on the right bank side, there is an octagonal gazebo, inspired by oriental culture with two curved benches inside.
Furthermore, a 7 x 8 m. fountain will be placed on the dock on the right bank side.
The fountain has been designed with a central basin surrounded by slightly sloping sides with water flowing from the sides to the central basin.